Friday, April 4, 2014
Adventures of the start of the fourth week or how I'm halfway done!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Adventures of week 3 update ( like a week late) ...
As I write this Harvey is asleep in my lap and I am doing this from the iPad so there will be more grammatical and punctuation errors than normal. Sorry not sorry ;).
So week 2 was hard not as hard as three but once I do my measurements tonight I'll let you know how hard it was ;)
I lost three more pounds and another 3/4 of an inch on my hips. Again at the end of the six weeks I'll post the before and after numbers.
I gotta tell you my eating was again on point and I felt good all week.
Here are some updated photos:
Three things: 1-my bathroom is a disaster but I did clean it finally on Friday. 2- I am not super comfortable taking selfies but obviously that hasn't stopped me and 3- my push-ups stink. I try so hard to do them right but I am having a hard time. Push-ups and I don't get along actually anything that requires upper body strength and I don't get along. But I'm trying and that's what counts right? I hope by the end of this 6weeks my push-ups will resemble real push-ups. I'd show you a picture but I'd get laughed at really hard if that happened. And I have to have some semblance of self respect somewhere right? ;)
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
adventures of a 3 month old...seriously we're already at this point?!?
I know I know but I can't believe he is already 3 months. It seems like a week ago we brought him home and now he's getting so big.
So in honor of the awesome and most amazing Harvey here are some fun facts.
He has great neck control! like no joke his neck control is out of this world.
He sleeps 8-10(as of last night what up!!) hours a night. We are still figuring nap time out.
He is currently in his last few items of 0-3mo and wearing most of his 3-6 mo. clothing.
L.O.V.E.S bath time. Didn't at first but we've decided we love it!

He talks so much more every single day and I LOVE IT! seriously it makes my day absolutely amazing to hear his little voice!
I say this all the time but I couldn't be more grateful that he is our son. He brings so much joy to our family and his smiles and laughs really make our days better. Kids really improve life, without a doubt!
So in honor of the awesome and most amazing Harvey here are some fun facts.
He has great neck control! like no joke his neck control is out of this world.
He sleeps 8-10(as of last night what up!!) hours a night. We are still figuring nap time out.
He is currently in his last few items of 0-3mo and wearing most of his 3-6 mo. clothing.
L.O.V.E.S bath time. Didn't at first but we've decided we love it!

He talks so much more every single day and I LOVE IT! seriously it makes my day absolutely amazing to hear his little voice!
I say this all the time but I couldn't be more grateful that he is our son. He brings so much joy to our family and his smiles and laughs really make our days better. Kids really improve life, without a doubt!
adventures of week 2
I always have grand plans of posting more than once a week but we've seen how that has gone. I'm going to blame it on nap time being discombobulated as of late.
So here we are week 2 of the Crossfit at home challenge. I weighed myself and did measurements on Monday and I have to say I feel pretty good about the progress. I lost two pounds from the week before. My eating/nutrition was spot on last week. I pretty much killed it as far as food goes.
I really do need to write something about how my eating has changed since having Harvey.
I gotta tell you though these workouts are no joke. They are thoroughly kicking my trash up and down. For example Monday Troy and I went for a run and then I did my workout, yesterday I woke up feeling completely worked over I mean the workout was really short too and I just felt beat down.
On that note I have had to switch around some of the workouts for this week because of my lazy-ness as well as keeping with my Saturday goal (which I also need to talk about at some point- so many post ideas but I digress).
Here are my week two photos. I should have worn the same outfit BUT laundry isn't a real high priority around here snuggling and kissing cute baby cheeks is.
So here we are week 2 of the Crossfit at home challenge. I weighed myself and did measurements on Monday and I have to say I feel pretty good about the progress. I lost two pounds from the week before. My eating/nutrition was spot on last week. I pretty much killed it as far as food goes.
I really do need to write something about how my eating has changed since having Harvey.
I gotta tell you though these workouts are no joke. They are thoroughly kicking my trash up and down. For example Monday Troy and I went for a run and then I did my workout, yesterday I woke up feeling completely worked over I mean the workout was really short too and I just felt beat down.
On that note I have had to switch around some of the workouts for this week because of my lazy-ness as well as keeping with my Saturday goal (which I also need to talk about at some point- so many post ideas but I digress).
Here are my week two photos. I should have worn the same outfit BUT laundry isn't a real high priority around here snuggling and kissing cute baby cheeks is.
Yeah, I'm still getting the taking a picture without looking thing down. Although it could be considered artsy in some circles, and I wouldn't put it past our "awesome" apartment to have a crooked mirror ;)
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
adventures of Baby Weight
You knew this was coming, especially since I spent thousands of dollars and years studying this exciting information (aka stuff ;) )
sidebar: is it pathetic that when I write sometimes (read most times) laugh at my own jokes. don't answer that.
Onto the baby weight.
over the course of my pregnancy I gained about 44lbs. from the very start to the finish.
Not too shabby haha. Let's not talk about the month appointment where I had gained 10 lbs. in a month and left the doctor in tears. moving on...
So I took these pictures Monday I also weighed myself Monday and took my measurements (putting that exercise prescription and health class to good use)
Why did I do this? Well I started a 6-week Crossfit at home workout from Simply Sadie Jane. I want to chart my progress and see how I do.
AND this is a great way to stay accountable.
I have already lost 26 lbs. of the original weight
(granted a baby helped with that one) but I am down. And I have started to eat more vegetables and be a lot more careful about what I put in my body ( a post for another day).
So along with this I have decided to not put my starting stats up until the end because I like a big reveal. Who doesn't. Here are the before pictures and I'm starting day 3 today and let's just say last night kicked my trash HARD. (125 burpees-- they were ugly. Like SUPER DUPER ugly but I got it done).
So here we are Day 3. Each week I'll post the new pictures and check in. Let's just say at this point I have 16lbs. until my goal in April which I am not sure I will meet but I am trying.
Super Flattering I know. Victoria Secret called and I had to tell them to get in line ;).
6 week Crossfit Workout,
public humilation,
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
adventures of a DIY nursery
I have always been the person who looks through the magazines and says ...yep I want that to look like that and that to look like that.
So Pinterest is my absolute favorite thing in the ENTIRE world. (ok maybe not absolute but definitely one of my favorites!)
And I have to say the pages I look at the most... DIY and DIY. That is all I looked at during my pregnancy. I couldn't fit in any of the clothes and the idea of trying well no thanks.
I loved the DIY page and I did so many (read more than every before) DIY projects that well I pretty much love it and that is all I want to do!
Ok so, I turned our second bedroom into a nursery (which doubles as storage).
I already posted the majority of the smaller projects but here is the completed project in all its glory. And I gotta tell you I LOOOVVVEE it!
So Pinterest is my absolute favorite thing in the ENTIRE world. (ok maybe not absolute but definitely one of my favorites!)
And I have to say the pages I look at the most... DIY and DIY. That is all I looked at during my pregnancy. I couldn't fit in any of the clothes and the idea of trying well no thanks.
I loved the DIY page and I did so many (read more than every before) DIY projects that well I pretty much love it and that is all I want to do!
Ok so, I turned our second bedroom into a nursery (which doubles as storage).
I already posted the majority of the smaller projects but here is the completed project in all its glory. And I gotta tell you I LOOOVVVEE it!
The pictures of waves above the dresser/changing table were made at the Relief Society super Saturday. Dresser was from Craigslist after WEEKS of searching. Lamp was a thrift store find (like 8$, who knew lamps were so dang expensive new?!?)
Rocking chair made by my Grandpa Carl
Crib was a gift (purchased from Babies-R-Us)
Rug, which is amazing, i got from Ross for wait for it 20$, not bad right?!?
I was pretty proud of myself I did the whole room for out of pocket 200$
As you can see the best accessory is asleep in the crib! ;)
Monday, March 3, 2014
adventures at the zoo
I love the zoo! I really do.
There is something so incredibly fun when I get to be at the zoo and see all of these different animals that I wouldn't normally have the chance to ever encounter.

Troy and I have talked about getting a zoo membership for us when Harvey was born.
So for Valentine's Day Troy and I got the zoo membership! I love it!
Harvey sleeps the entire time (with a little bit of awake time but most of the time he is sleeping so it's more for us at this point then him but oh well).
That being said we have already been three times since we got the membership and plan on going plenty more.
oh mom you're embarrassing me!
Yeah I am the best!
just cutting off dad's head to fit in the giraffe's.
Why do you guys always do this to me?
There is something so incredibly fun when I get to be at the zoo and see all of these different animals that I wouldn't normally have the chance to ever encounter.
Troy and I have talked about getting a zoo membership for us when Harvey was born.
So for Valentine's Day Troy and I got the zoo membership! I love it!
Harvey sleeps the entire time (with a little bit of awake time but most of the time he is sleeping so it's more for us at this point then him but oh well).
That being said we have already been three times since we got the membership and plan on going plenty more.
oh mom you're embarrassing me!
Yeah I am the best!
just cutting off dad's head to fit in the giraffe's.
Why do you guys always do this to me?
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Adventures of Harvey's Blessing.
So I have been meaning to post the pictures from his blessing day on this wonderful blog, but like the dishes in my kitchen sink right now it hasn't been done.
So here we are 10 weeks into his life and I am just now posting them. Am I ok with that?
yeah you bet. Because all I have been doing, quite literally, is loving on my handsome baby boy. And this precious time is going all too fast for me.
I would like to add this caveat: I am not photogenic in any of these pictures. If you feel so inclined to booster my ego a little and tell me I am, I wouldn't object ;) (aka you can lie to make me feel better :))
Looking back at these pictures really make me more grateful for my baby boy! How he is growing and how my love for him grows everyday!
No one tells you that your heart expands continuously once they come into your life.
I don't mind it.

So here we are 10 weeks into his life and I am just now posting them. Am I ok with that?
yeah you bet. Because all I have been doing, quite literally, is loving on my handsome baby boy. And this precious time is going all too fast for me.

Looking back at these pictures really make me more grateful for my baby boy! How he is growing and how my love for him grows everyday!
No one tells you that your heart expands continuously once they come into your life.
I don't mind it.
Monday, February 17, 2014
adventures of a 2 Month Old
There are times when i can't believe I am doing this thing called motherhood. It's crazy to me that I am responsible for someone else. Pregnancy seems but a dream away now.
But then the majority of time I forget what life was like before Harvey and I can't imagine our family without him.
We had our 2mo. appointment at the doctor last Wednesday: 11 lbs. 3 oz. 23.25 in. long. He is growing great and moving on up in the world ;) Luckily he hasn't outgrown all of his 0-3 mo. clothes but unfortunately slowly but surely each day I put something else away that he can't wear anymore.
He's a blessing and a joy each day he smiles more and is awake more taking in everything around him. I have to say our lives pretty dang awesome with this little man in it!
But then the majority of time I forget what life was like before Harvey and I can't imagine our family without him.
We had our 2mo. appointment at the doctor last Wednesday: 11 lbs. 3 oz. 23.25 in. long. He is growing great and moving on up in the world ;) Luckily he hasn't outgrown all of his 0-3 mo. clothes but unfortunately slowly but surely each day I put something else away that he can't wear anymore.
He's a blessing and a joy each day he smiles more and is awake more taking in everything around him. I have to say our lives pretty dang awesome with this little man in it!
![]() |
One Month |
![]() |
Two Months |
in love with this cute boy! |
Friday, February 14, 2014
adventures of birth
Having now been a mom for about 2 months (exactly as of Wednesday), I HAVE to write down his birth story. It's been on my list for a couple of weeks now so here it is.
This was the greatest thing I have ever done. I can't get over the incredible miracle of bringing a life into the world. There are days when I have to remind myself that we did it. We made a human being and he is ours forever.
On Wednesday December 11th Troy and I were scheduled to go to the hospital at 5:30pm to begin the induction process. I won't go into how chaotic but unchaotic the day was. We had an appointment with the specialist at 10am that morning. the last one. We saw our baby boy for the last time on the monitor and he was doing well. We went home and Troy went back to work as I set about the last preparations to bring our baby home. It was very surreal. It hadn't sunk in yet that this is what we were doing. I don't know what it feels like to have labor come on and I never will because I will always have to have my deliveries scheduled but I can tell you I knew in my mind what was about to happen and I began to get nervous. When this happens I normally get quiet and don't do anything. I don't know why I just can't focus on anything but this time was different I felt peaceful and I took a shower and loaded the car and waited for Troy to get home.
When Troy got home we were already late (luckily the hospital is ten minutes from us) but I was trying not to panic.
We got to the hospital at around 5:45 and it was like we were the only people there. Hardly anyone was on the L&D floor. We checked in and immediately got set up with the whole process of changing into a gown the 45000 question game and IVs being placed. At around 6:30 my doctor came in to place the catheter. Now I was already dilated to a 3 and about 60% effaced and while his head was down it wasn't as far as the doctor wanted. So he put the foley catheter in (probably one of the more uncomfortable things Ive ever had done). Before he left he told us that the nurse would give me the first dose of cytotec at 10pm and the second dose at 2am and then I would start pitocin at 9:30am. Basically we were in for an incredibly long 48 hours.
But this is not what happened. I started having contractions about an hour after the catheter was in (not intense but enough that I was beginning to get uncomfortable). At 10 I got the cytotec and then I was definitely uncomfortable. I was told that they could give me some pain medication for management but the medication they wanted to give me I didn't want (having had a bad reaction previously). I would like to tell you that I stuck to this but my contractions increased and were pretty intense and I wanted to sleep at some point so I asked for the pain medication and the sleeping pill the doctor prescribed that lasted until about 2am when my water broke.
What a strange feeling that was. It was difficult for me to grasp what had happened. Did I wet the bed? No, ok thats definitely my water. I called the nurse and said I think my water broke. And she goes um yep guess you don't need that second dose. At this point my contractions were so strong that I was having to focus on my breathing through them. They felt like literally the worst menstrual cramps I've ever had! I wanted the epidural but was told initially I couldn't get it until 10 the next morning! I had been on lovenox throughout my pregnancy and heparin the last 2 weeks before I delivered and my last dose was yes at 10 am Wednesday morning. This was a problem because they are pretty hesitant about giving you an epidural if any blood thinners are left in the body, but the anesthesiologist was ok with it and at about 2:30am I got an epidural. What an incredible relief I was able to sleep for about an hour when the nurse came in and told me there were fetal heart dips (i forget the correct term) but basically his heart rate would get very low and so she had me on my side switching every 15-30 minutes. I would have been more worried had I not been half asleep. Then at 5am the nurse came in and checked me again and she told me she could see his hair we were ready to start pushing!
I woke Troy up and told him he was coming! They called the doctor and got everything ready and at 5:30am I started pushing and at 6:21am Harvey James Richey was born at 6 pounds 1.7oz (11oz off of what the specialist thought he would weigh) 19.75 inches long and beautiful beautiful beautiful!
I want to mention at this point that Troy and I had been praying for MONTHS that my body would be ready to give birth that everything would go smoothly with the labor and delivery and that our baby would be healthy and strong. Every prayer was answered ten fold! We are so incredibly grateful that everything went so smoothly and that there were no problems or issues!
I know this isn't edited or proofread but incredibly raw. As I type this I am at the computer with the ergo baby carrier looking down at my sleeping boy, and my heart is so incredibly full! I have so much love in my heart for my boys! I feel incredibly blessed to have this sweet baby boy and a supportive loving husband by my side.
This was the greatest thing I have ever done. I can't get over the incredible miracle of bringing a life into the world. There are days when I have to remind myself that we did it. We made a human being and he is ours forever.
On Wednesday December 11th Troy and I were scheduled to go to the hospital at 5:30pm to begin the induction process. I won't go into how chaotic but unchaotic the day was. We had an appointment with the specialist at 10am that morning. the last one. We saw our baby boy for the last time on the monitor and he was doing well. We went home and Troy went back to work as I set about the last preparations to bring our baby home. It was very surreal. It hadn't sunk in yet that this is what we were doing. I don't know what it feels like to have labor come on and I never will because I will always have to have my deliveries scheduled but I can tell you I knew in my mind what was about to happen and I began to get nervous. When this happens I normally get quiet and don't do anything. I don't know why I just can't focus on anything but this time was different I felt peaceful and I took a shower and loaded the car and waited for Troy to get home.
When Troy got home we were already late (luckily the hospital is ten minutes from us) but I was trying not to panic.
We got to the hospital at around 5:45 and it was like we were the only people there. Hardly anyone was on the L&D floor. We checked in and immediately got set up with the whole process of changing into a gown the 45000 question game and IVs being placed. At around 6:30 my doctor came in to place the catheter. Now I was already dilated to a 3 and about 60% effaced and while his head was down it wasn't as far as the doctor wanted. So he put the foley catheter in (probably one of the more uncomfortable things Ive ever had done). Before he left he told us that the nurse would give me the first dose of cytotec at 10pm and the second dose at 2am and then I would start pitocin at 9:30am. Basically we were in for an incredibly long 48 hours.
But this is not what happened. I started having contractions about an hour after the catheter was in (not intense but enough that I was beginning to get uncomfortable). At 10 I got the cytotec and then I was definitely uncomfortable. I was told that they could give me some pain medication for management but the medication they wanted to give me I didn't want (having had a bad reaction previously). I would like to tell you that I stuck to this but my contractions increased and were pretty intense and I wanted to sleep at some point so I asked for the pain medication and the sleeping pill the doctor prescribed that lasted until about 2am when my water broke.
What a strange feeling that was. It was difficult for me to grasp what had happened. Did I wet the bed? No, ok thats definitely my water. I called the nurse and said I think my water broke. And she goes um yep guess you don't need that second dose. At this point my contractions were so strong that I was having to focus on my breathing through them. They felt like literally the worst menstrual cramps I've ever had! I wanted the epidural but was told initially I couldn't get it until 10 the next morning! I had been on lovenox throughout my pregnancy and heparin the last 2 weeks before I delivered and my last dose was yes at 10 am Wednesday morning. This was a problem because they are pretty hesitant about giving you an epidural if any blood thinners are left in the body, but the anesthesiologist was ok with it and at about 2:30am I got an epidural. What an incredible relief I was able to sleep for about an hour when the nurse came in and told me there were fetal heart dips (i forget the correct term) but basically his heart rate would get very low and so she had me on my side switching every 15-30 minutes. I would have been more worried had I not been half asleep. Then at 5am the nurse came in and checked me again and she told me she could see his hair we were ready to start pushing!
I woke Troy up and told him he was coming! They called the doctor and got everything ready and at 5:30am I started pushing and at 6:21am Harvey James Richey was born at 6 pounds 1.7oz (11oz off of what the specialist thought he would weigh) 19.75 inches long and beautiful beautiful beautiful!
I want to mention at this point that Troy and I had been praying for MONTHS that my body would be ready to give birth that everything would go smoothly with the labor and delivery and that our baby would be healthy and strong. Every prayer was answered ten fold! We are so incredibly grateful that everything went so smoothly and that there were no problems or issues!
I know this isn't edited or proofread but incredibly raw. As I type this I am at the computer with the ergo baby carrier looking down at my sleeping boy, and my heart is so incredibly full! I have so much love in my heart for my boys! I feel incredibly blessed to have this sweet baby boy and a supportive loving husband by my side.
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