Weight... what a heavy word :)
Weight gain is such a popular topic in our society. Mainly because we (society not necessarily you) are getting fatter. It's the truth... no most people aren't big boned it's just that McDonald's is a heck of a lot easier than cooking. And let's be honest most people would rather have fries with that than green beans. Some people blame our society's weight obsession on the media. I'm calling baloney, it has nothing to do with the media. 90% of people in society aren't obsessed with their weight because the media has stick thin models who have been airbrushed down to a fragile concept of what they actually look like. No, it has to do with us. Women and men who compare themselves to those around them. If we were all 400lbs. no one would care.
Women, we compare ourselves to everyone, and if you are sitting at your computer talking about how you don't I got news for you... you're lying. We all do it. I do it, you do it, we all do. And here's why it's so stupid... if I learned anything from science and statistics, circumstances have to be EXACTLY THE SAME for comparison to occur. no one in this world is exactly the same. If you are comparing yourself to a woman, you would have to live in the same exact place with the same exact husband, body, children, immune system, income, education etc. If you really want to compare then find someone that matches those features and boom compare away. But 100$ and a year's worth of diapers says you're never going to find someone like that. This brings me to weight gain.
In all these books they talk about exercise and weight gain and you know what every woman is different. SURPRISE! The average weight gain for pregnant women is 15-40 lbs. that's a lot of room for variation. Most women fall around the 30-40lb. mark. is that bad? no. Sometimes your body does what it has to, and sometimes you eat too many Twinkies (too soon hostess?). Either way women should not beat themselves up. You can't you're growing a human and that is dang hard. Why in the world would you want to stress about weight when in fact there are other more useful things to stress about. If you are really worried about it start going on walks for 30-60 min a day. That will do a lot for you and your weight gain.
After pregnancy is also an issue. Did you know it takes your body about 3-4 months to magically shrink your insides and come back to the homeostasis you knew before you were pregnant. yeah. so if you are 5-6 months out and the "baby weight" isn't gone. It's OK. If you are 5 years out it's still OK, just get healthy. Your body just did the greatest magic trick of all, creating and pushing out a human. A HUMAN. If you are stressed about it call me we'll talk about eating right and working out. But you gotta give yourself a break. A lot of you do hard things (work long hours, take care of your kids all day and you're a mom hello that's hard stuff city right there whether or not you're a SAHM or a working mom).
*Now I know that some of you read this and think she isn't even "really" pregnant, she doesn't understand. I do actually, because I am a woman and I have been heavier than I wanted to be and I lost it through diet and exercise and it was hard and I hated it but I did it. I also studied this stuff for longer than I care to admit and so I have an idea about what the body does and what it doesn't do.
Moral: Please don't beat yourself up! That's what punks do and you ain't no punk. So check yourself before you wreck yourself!
Questions, Comments, Concerns? no? Class dismissed :)
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