Monday, June 10, 2013

adventures of starting and stopping

I have gone back and forth, to start a blog or to not start a blog (that is a question). Those of my friends who are readers from a past blog will know I get caught up and write a few posts and then the vacuum of life appears and the blog gets sucked into it. This is to be no more (at least I'd like to think so). Having moved to a new placing forcing me to keep those I love across all parts of the continent informed this seems like the easiest way. Who knows how many posts I will make but I know at least a little bit. This blog will be a public dumping ground. Count yourselves lucky because who knows what I will say. I have lost my filter (around the same time that I saw two little lines on a white pee stick). You're welcome for the warning.

I have way too many stories to share from the past 12 weeks because believe it or not I have gotten funnier (or not). Let me believe what I want for now especially since most of my day is spent trying not to yak (that's upchucking for the less informed). It really is the small victories right? yeah well anyway I gotta get this stories down somewhere and maybe the interweb isn't the best place but typing a document and sending it to everyone I know seems like a lot of work so for now a public blog will be my stomping ground.

I would also like to address the picture issue. I am terrible at taking pictures and getting my picture taken (please consult my husband or good friend Kate for confirmation of this fact). I don't like or nor do I do it well. Troy on the other hand kills the photog world mainly because he is so anal retentive about taking the perfect picture that he really does get the perfect pictures. So I am going to just have him be the photographer for this wonderful little blog.

I think that's about it for now but I'll leave you with a preview of things to come.

morning sickness worst time of a first pregnancy or best? more on that later
moving to a new state where the humidity shows resemblance to satan's sauna.
buying a new couch more like bartering with a gremlin.

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