Friday, June 28, 2013

Adventures of weddings and random ramblings

We were just in UT or as I like to call it Mormonland. I love UT always have always will. I love the mountains, BYU, temple square, and that fact that there are temples and church's that literally dot the landscape.
 My dear cousin got married and it was beautiful, it was the first sealing that I attended since Troy and I have been married ( which has been three years this past Wednesday- mark it down its a momentous day). I don't know if my hormones were barking or what but I didn't cry until I hugged her and then I was like a complete idiot, rambling starting to blubber and then I walked away and it stopped. Pregnancy is not for the weak minded I tell you. But it made me think about how grateful I am for my family and that we are all sealed together forever. Literally. ( now in my weaker moments I'd like to take the chain and hit certain members of my family over the head with it but I digress :) ).  I also took zero pictures.... Yes I am fantastic at blogging.
In other news my belly is getting bigger but right now it looks like I ate too much at my last meal so I will spare you the picture. I do find myself being extra emotional and wanting to hug people ( I am not a big hugger which as a side note  marrying into the Richey family was the best thing to cure that ;) )
 I also rub my belly frequently and find my hands there quite often,  I found this weird that women would do this before I got pregnant and still find it just as weird that I do it. Sometimes I tell myself a genie will come out if I rub such luck although my wish that morning sickness aka lazy days would end did come true and I now only get sick occasionally. And on that glorious note I will leave you, as my house looks like a dumpster and I need a snack :)

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